Thursday, September 19, 2013

Advanced Printmaking

The advanced print group is well on the way exploring many avenues of expression. Alex is body-stamping on curved sheets of glass and contact paper; Angie is looking at photoploymer plates for both intaglio and relief; Chasson started with intaglio and plans to move into monotypes and possibly relief; Emily is printing relief and then pasting the images around town, and Rebecca is getting her feet back into the process after a two year hiatus, starting with intaglio. Here are their beginnings:







astotts said...

So nice to see new posts! I'm very excited to see what comes next!

brian h. jones said...

A lot of what comes next depends on you. I'm excited about seeing that. I'm also curious to see how many others visit.

astotts said...

Do they know all know about the site?